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A Brief Overview 

  • Started my own dog training business 15 years ago when I was still in High School.

  • Learned to understand the balance between gaining trust and requiring respect through being an apprentice in my brother's successful horse training business. 

  • Roots in the animal welfare world developed playgroup programs and training plans for the shelter's most difficult dogs.

  • Have learned under some of the best trainers like Tyler Mutto and have a passion for dog training in a way that holds the dog's accountable for outward behavior yet also shows compassion for why the dogs did that behavior in the first place. 

Come Volunteer with me through  
Safe Humane Chicago's 
Lifetime Bonds Program 

Fulfilling the role of program trainer for Safe Humane Chicago's Lifetime Bonds program is literally a dream come true for Lauren. Once a week, shelter dogs in need of adoption are transported to the Illinois Youth Center in St. Charles for training classes. This program's life transforming power comes through most when the youth find healing by seeing a mirror of themselves in the these dogs. Both have been impacted by tragedy and violence. Both are in need of "rescue" in their own way. This program is also passionate about educating the youth of the tragic effects of dog fighting, power of positive reinforcement training and the life skills of empty and humility. 

After 4 years of faithful commitment, Lauren has transitioned from the St. Charles location to focus on Lifetime Bond's newest branch in Dekalb where local high school students who are working through some emotional and behavioral needs are partnered up with dogs from Tails Humane Society. 

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