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The R.A.R.A Gospel 

Teaching inmates about the love of God through the powerful tool of balanced dog training. 
R- Rescue A-Adopt R-Rehab A-Abide 

​Overview of the Curriculum 


The R.A.R.A. gospel explains the love of God through the lens of a shelter dog and is meant to reach a group of people who are turned off to church.


R.A.R.A Gospel 


  • R- Rescue: The connection between a shelter dog’s desire to be rescued, and our recognition to be rescued from the bondage of our sin.


  • A- Adoption: The connection between a shelter dog’s desire to be adopted, helps us understand our need to fully surrender our lives to Him and proudly proclaim our adoption into the family of God. 


  • R- Rehabilitation: The connection between a dog’s training plan to help them become the best version of themselves and God’s plan to do the same for us even though the process can be painful at times.


  • A- Abiding: The connection between helping a dog maintain their behavior change throughout their lifetime and the way God asks us to not make a one time decision to surrender to Him but rather a daily choice to continue abiding so our faith will last a lifetime. 


Why dog training? 


Growing up in a church where I never connected with God from the pews on Sunday, yet deeply desired to, allowed me to have a unique path to faith from outside the walls of church. It was only when I began training and working with dogs, God started revealing His character and love to me. I started to form connections of how God was trying to gain my trust and requiring my respect in the same way I was attempting to gain the trust and respect of the dogs I worked with. However, as I started volunteering (and later working) with dogs in animal shelters, these spiritual connections expanded even more. Over the past decade, God has been leading me on a path of creating, tweaking, adding, and refining the curriculum of “The Connection” and I am beyond excited to begin sharing it with the world. 


Why inmates?


Often in my dog training business I am asked to train dogs who have been labeled "too far gone" or a "lost cause". These are my favorite cases because it sets up the stage for something special- a transformation story. An act of God. Oftentimes, the young men in prison feel "too far gone" or a "lost cause" too. But that's when God comes into the picture and provides a miraculous transformation story that only He can do. I have seen first hand, through my previous work in prison, God use dogs as a special key to unlock even the hardest of hearts. What better thing to fill their heart with than the love of God!


Program Details? 


Starting in the summer of 2023, I (Lauren Sanderson, owner of Rock Kennel Training) have partnered with the Chaplin Nathan Wells from the St. Charles Illinois Youth Center for the opportunity of a lifetime. For 2 hours each week, 2 young men from the facility are transported to a local state park where I teach the young men about dog training and allow them to bond with the shelter dog(s). The last hour of the program is a faith based discussion while participants enjoy lunch at the park’s restaurant. 


Financial Needs? 



$1,500 supports the program for our summer/fall sessions

  • $20

    • Provides supplies for the month (treats, paperwork, etc.)

  • $50

    • Provides "The Connection" T-shirts for 2 participating youth 

  • $100

    • Provides lunch for 5 guests each week (2 youth, 2 guards, 1 Chaplin) for a week 

  • $400 ​

    • ​Provides lunch for 5 guests each week (2 youth, 2 guards, 1 Chaplin) for a month


Closing Remarks 


Although I have been pouring over this curriculum for YEARS, The RARA Gospel has always been God’s idea. 

I am simply honored God would choose someone like me to share the message of God's love to inmates through the powerful tool of balanced dog training. This is something I do not take lightly and treat with great responsibility. Your investment into this program will be treated with great care as the childhood dream God planted in my heart years ago continued to be a reality. 


I hope you will come along for the journey. 




P.S. Looking for more faith based content through the lens of a dog trainer?

You'll love our new podcast! 





Put in your ear buds (or play it around the house since this content is always kid friendly) every Friday for conversations about faith and family through my perspective as a dog trainer. 

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