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Public Speaking 

Lauren has a passion for teaching and brings an energy of fun, laughter, and life changing content to any speaking audience. Lauren brings a decade of stories to share from her work in animal welfare as well as private dog training to help us all be the best versions of ourselves. Lauren has a way of using her experiences with dogs as a powerful tool for human personal development.  

Top 5 Speaking topics 

  1. Disciplining with Discernment: Helping you lead the ones you love

  2. Guidance is a gift: How to motivate behavior change without being a bully. 

  3. R.A.R.A. Gospel: How to understand God through the perspective of a rescue dog in a cage rather than a sermon in a church.

  4. Content of Character: How to love someone you never thought you could.

  5. Paws and Parenting: How to leverage the powerful similarities between dog and kid training in your home.


With any speaking opportunity, Lauren pairs her content with your agenda for the event. 

If you are looking to book a speaker for any of the following, you won't be disappointed in what Lauren has to offer.  


*Animal Welfare Fundraisers 

*Career Day

*Church Sermons 

*At-risk Youth Programs 

*Animal Science/ FFA Classes

*Pet Retail 


For any questions, please contact us at or 815-739-3726. 

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