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Our Services

Welcome to Rock Kennel Training. We are so excited to serve you and help your dog become the best version of themselves. Here at RKT, we balance holding your dog accountable for outward behaviors while also showing compassion for why they did the behavior in the first place. This means we use a variety of training tools when holding dogs accountable so we can quickly and smoothly lead them towards more rewardable behavior. With that being said, we recognize just like with people, there are often times many deep rooted, hidden factors contributing to a dog's behavior and the rehabilitation road is never a perfect linear line but a process.


Private Session (In Person or Zoom) 


E-Collar Program 


Leash Control Program 





"Lauren is an AMAZING trainer and she has a way of breaking it down to where you totally get it! She explains it all so well! I have learned soooo much from her!!!" 

Tracey Dekalb, Illinois 

Join the
Rock Solid Family 

Want access to RKT's private Facebook membership group where Lauren hosts live Q&A and provides live behind the scene live tutorials? 

$9.99 per month!

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