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Working with our dogs can be frustrating. Our dog's behavior can leave us feeling embarrassed and isolated. On top of that, when we do attempt to train, there are so many opinions and schools of thought our heads are often left swirling with analysis paralysis. 


But, what if there was a way to be encouraged when frustrated. Filled with confidence and hope instead of embarrassment. What if instead of living life isolated and confused we could have a place that felt safe and real. What if you had a community of people who get you


Welcome to the Rock Solid Family! 

I could not be more excited to have you here because I have been dreaming of creating a community for years and now this membership is making this a reality. So consider this your "online invitation" into my family. A place where we don't shy away from hard conversations, we encourage each other constantly, and form a connection that's more than client to trainer but a relationship that has a solid foundation and feels a lot more like family. 


I'm beyond excited to have you join the Rock Solid Family. 

  • Rock Solid Family Membership

    Every month
    Access to a unique online dog training FAMILY filled with knowledge , coaching and support.
    • LIVE monthly Q&A sessions
    • Private Facebook group
    • Behind the Scenes Footage
    • Tutorial paired with Community Challenges
    • Opportunity to train with Lauren for FREE
    • First to Know about New Services
    • Exclusive Promo Codes
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