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E-Collar Program 

This program is for you if:

  • You feel like your dog’s unwanted behavior is controlling your life

  • You would love to allow your dog more freedom to fulfill their exercise and enrichment needs but currently cannot trust them off leash 

  • Your dog lacks structure and manners

  • Your dog exhibits behaviors only when you leave the room such as: eating food from the counter, barking through the window, jumping on the furniture (if that’s not allowed in your house), etc. 


This program is not for you if: 

  • Your dog retreats and cowers when you kneel and happily recall him/her towards. (We suggest you start your training in a Foundation class or private session so your dog can build a better trust with you before we get started.)

  • Your dog exhibits high levels of leash reactivity. (Although the e-collar can be a great tool for relativity, the prices below reflect training for dogs who simply need manners and off leash control. Leash reactivity, depending on the severity, will be an additional add on as it often takes longer to train.)

  • You are looking to push a button once to fix all your training needs, this program is not for you. On the contrary, if you are prepared to put in the practice and have patience for yourself and your dog as you learn this new language of communicating, you will be thrilled with the results of this program! 




  • Who is this seminar for? 

    • This class is REQUIRED for every person in the home who plans on using the e-collar.

    • This class is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for people who interact with your dog on a consistent basis, even if they may never touch your e-collar remote such as: dog sitter, dog walker, older children living outside the home who often visit, neighbors who interact with your dogs on walks or through the fence, owners of your dog’s playdate buddy, etc. 

  • What should I bring?

    • This seminar is solely for humans. SO LEAVE YOUR DOG AT HOME!

    • If you own an e-collar technology brand of collar, please bring it with.

    • If not, RKT will purchase the collar for you and have it fully charged and ready for you to take home after the seminar. (A separate email invoice will be sent for the e-collar purchase and averages $200 per collar.

  • What will I learn?​

    • Learning the specific uses of each button on your remote

    • Hands on practice of applying pressure, releasing pressure, and rolling the dial without a dog 

    • Training games to help you understand the collar though your dog’s perspective

    • Homework will be given and expected to be completed by step 2


When used correctly, this tool has the power to change your life. However, here at RKT we view it our job and responsibility to protect the dogs in our program from the misuse of this tool since the risks can cause damage to the dog that are not only unjust but also take a long time to undo. This is why we strongly recommend EVERYONE working with the dog make every effort to attend this seminar to understand how to use it correctly. 


PRICE $100 per dog entering program. 

4 Private Session
1 Week Board and Train

  • If I choose the private sessions, what can be expected on my first session?

    • Introduce your dog to stimulation for the first time 

    • Discover the dog’s “feel it” and “motivation level”

    • Receive an extensive training plan specific to your dog's triggers. This will be a shared google document that both you and trainer can access at any point for ease and clarity.

    • Homework (20 minutes per day) is clearly laid out and easy to follow.

  • If I choose the board and train what can I expect?

    • The dog will return to you understanding the basic language of the collar and our 2 most foundational obedience behaviors, place and recall. 

    • We will bring your dog to your home on their final day of training for a follow up session in your home (included in price). 

  • Will I receive ongoing support from RKT after completing my e-collar program? 

    • ​YES! We have created a P.E. class for your continued maintenance which you can attend for FREE for the lifetime of the your dog.  â€‹



4 Private Sessions = $1,000

1 Week Board and Train= $2,000

"Before Lauren e-collar trained our dog Daisy, she had to be confined to a 6 foot leash on our 40 acre property because she would not come back when we called. Now, she has the total freedom to run like the wind completely loose and we have the confidence to know she will return every time we call her."  

Sara- Malta, IL 

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