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Currently Offering:

  • Foundation 

  • Obstacle Course 

  • P.E. (Positive Experiences) 

Foundation Class

This class is for you if:

  • Looking for an introductory obedience class

  • Want to help your dog strengthen their impulse control

  • Desire your dog to listen on the first time you cue them

This class is not for you if: 

  • Your dog is in need of actual behavioral modification 

  • Your dog barks on leash towards other dogs. 

    • If you do not have control of your dog when in close proximity of other dogs, we recommend you register for our next available Leash Control Seminar before attending class. If you are unsure how your dog will act in a group setting, feel free to schedule an evaluation through one of our private sessions at RKT or in your home. 



Rock Kennel Training in Shabbona, IL.



Content Details:

Our 5 week Foundation Class is not designed like your average basic obedience class. This class is centered on helping you have success in the areas you actually need support in your everyday life. If you're anything like me, you find yourself saying these 3 phrases to your dog, and our Foundation Class helps your dog listen on the first time. 

1) “Get outta here!” The foundations class teaches your dog to go to a specific place and stay there until hearing your release word. This skill not only teaches your dog to stay but offers support to everyday situations such as having space and control at the front door when guest arrive. 


2) “What do you have?”  This class also teaches your dog to ignore/drop items they have picked up in their mouth with ease instead of chasing them around the house or setting yourself up for a power struggle to pry the object out of their mouth. 


3) “Come over here!” Lastly, by teaching you the introductory skills needed to teach your dog coming when called is heavily reinforcing and how to eliminate situations where your dog chooses to have selective hearing. 


What to Bring?
Treats- Soft Small and Stinky 
Treat pouch (optional but highly recommended) 
Leash (preferably at least 5 feet long- NO Flexi or Bungie)  


PRICE $200 for 5 weeks 

Obstacle Course 

This class is for you if:

  • Looking for a fun class to do with your dog

  • Wanting your dog to experience some mid-week enrichment

  • Think your dog could benefit from confidence building by learning to navigate obstacles

This class is not for you if: 

  • Your dog is in need of actual behavioral modification 

  • This is your first time booking any service through RKT. (We highly recommend our Foundations Class to get you started.)

  • If you do not have control of your dog when in close proximity of other dogs, RKT will ask you to drop out of the class and register for our next available Leash Control Seminar without a refund for the class. 



Our 4 week Obstacle Class is a fun interactive class where owners learn how to guide their dogs through a variety of obstacles. 



Rock Kennel Training in Shabbona, IL​


PRICE $95 for 4 weeks 

P.E. Class
(Positive Experiences)  

This class is for you if:

  • You need an affordable class to serve as accountability to continue practicing your dog's new training skills especially after a board and train.

  • ​Your dog becomes nervous around new people and needs a a safe environment to learn "nothing bad" is going to happen OR Your dog needs positive experiences when walking with or past other dogs on leash.

This class is not for you if: 


  • You are looking to receive one on one private coaching from the trainer

  • You want to join a structured class with homework and new content being taught



Shabbona State Park in Shabbona, IL




  • There is no set curriculum or specific agenda for this class other than providing an opportunity for handlers to work together and be encouraged as they help their dog have a positive experience in this public setting. 

  • Owners will be required to respect each dog's threshold levels so everyone can feel confident and calm through out the class. (Example: Do not allow your dogs to greet on leash until after class. Do not approach a dog and attempt to give affection unless the owner has given consent.) 


  • This class is not equivalent to a private one on one session since the trainer will not be taking the leash from handlers at any point during their time together. All training techniques and reminders will be given verbally since the trainer herself will be handling a dog who is in need of "positive experiences'' as well. 

  • Any and all trainers will immediately leave after the class is complete and not be available for extensive Q and A since this is not the focus of this class. All handlers are more than welcome to stay after the completion of the class however to socialize, spend extra quality time with their dog, or simply enjoy the beautiful state park. 


Price: FREE 

““Thank you so much. You really have a gift and are such a great trainer! You blow everyone out of the water I did the “place” at dinner time tonight and he did awesome!"


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