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Trainer Lauren has always specialized in off-leash dog socialization from the beginning of her career which is why she is beyond excited to bring this service to RKT! Not only does this provide a way for clients to continue socializing their dog in a safe structured environment with people they trust and know, it's also a great way to drain their energy! 


If clients are looking to maximize their dog's time at daycare, RKT also offer training for your dog through their day, specific to the owner's goals!




  • Your dog will have a variety of play sessions mixed with rest sessions throughout the day. Your dog will be rotated into different groups of dogs that best fit their personality, comfort level, playstyle, energy level, and threshold muscle.

  • All social grouping and decisions will be determined by trainer Lauren Sanderson exclusively and will vary week to week depending on personnel in attendance.

  • During all sessions, there will also be a qualified training assistant on site. 


Drop off windows: 
7:00-7:30 am


9:00-9:30 am

Pick up widow:


Price: $50 for a full day of daycare 

Add TRAINING to maximize your daycare day!

Don't have time to train your dog this week? Need a tune up? Something pop up that needs addressed?


You can now add TRAINING to your dog's day while they play.  


Whether it's gaining greater reliability with your dog's obedience cues such as place and come OR fine tuning their leash manners, we have you covered. We love sharing their progress with you throughout the day using the Marco Polo App! 


Price: $100 total (full day of daycare + one on one training session throughout the day) 

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